The BRAVE Lab has been working to create a reliable and valid measure of two important constructs in bullying prevention and intervention: (1) Kindness and (2) Bravery. When people act kind, there is no room for bullying since kindness is the opposite of bullying. When people act brave, they stand up to injustices like bullying and other hurtful behaviors. Extending our work from the Born Brave Experiences (BBE) studies we gathered pilot data that helped inform our current version of our Kindness + Bravery scale. Our hope is that by 2025 we will develop a reliable and valid measure of kindness and bravery that will help people understand and evaluate kindness and bravery as important factors in effective bullying prevention and intervention.
Take the Kindness and Bravery Study!
Youth ages 13 - 18: Click here
Young Adult ages 19 - 25: Click here

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