
Social That Supports Logo

@SocialThatSupports is a social media page dedicated to providing resources and support for well-being and mental health. Be sure to follow the Social Support page on Instagram and Facebook

The devastating impacts caused by COVID-19 have affected individuals around the world. The @SocialThatSupports survey will ask about your experiences related to the impact of COVID-19, mental health and well-being, interpersonal supports, and social media engagement. If you are 19 years old or older and would like to participate in this study, please click on the button below.

Click here to participate in the @SocialThatSupports Study


Our first publication with these data can be accessed here:

Willis, M. C., Jeffries, J., Barrett, A. R., & Swearer, S. M. (2024). The impact of positive and adverse childhood experiences on social connectedness in young adults. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 247, 106033. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2024.106033 


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